The Global Engineering Firm

An engineering firm experienced exponential growth and in-turn promoted high-performing individuals. They had not effectively developed their people to scale up their leadership. They sought ThinkWyn’s help to develop leadership capacity and address the silo-mentality that had formed amongst senior leader groups. They wanted help developing their newly promoted mid-level leaders and help addressing the tension and dysfunction emerging amongst their senior leaders.

Business Challenge

  • Organization experienced significant growth and was feeling “growing pains” in terms of internal processes and leadership development.

  • Mid-level leaders were promoted without intentional leadership development to help scale their leadership to leading bigger, broader teams. 

  • Dysfunction existed amongst senior leadership.


Cultivating insight and self-awareness at the individual level & investing in targeted conversations to align and unify the team

We launched a six-month team coaching series with senior leaders, leveraging an action learning approach. Leaders brought real-life challenges to the group and each cohort learned to coach one another within a specific, structured format. Each leader received  360 Leadership Assessment feedback with a PhD executive coach as well as individual Executive Coaching. All leaders built Development Action Plans and worked with their coach and manager to execute their plans.

  • 360 Assessment Feedback and Executive Coaching Series

  • Team Coaching on real business issues via Action Learning

  • 6 session Team Coaching and Learning Sessions


  • Increased open dialogue and working relationships amongst the senior leadership team

  • Enhanced self-awareness through individual assessment and coaching

  • All senior leaders invested more time and commitment to their development than before due to the increased accountability of needing to show up to sessions and demonstrate progress on goals with their coach and one-another.